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Vitest instance requires the current test mode. It can be either:

  • test when running runtime tests
  • benchmark when running benchmarks experimental
New in Vitest 3

Vitest 3 is one step closer to stabilising the public API. To achieve that, we deprecated and removed some of the previously public methods on the Vitest class. These APIs were made private:

  • configOverride (use setGlobalTestNamePattern or enableSnapshotUpdate)
  • coverageProvider
  • filenamePattern
  • runningPromise
  • closingPromise
  • isCancelling
  • coreWorkspaceProject
  • resolvedProjects
  • _browserLastPort
  • _options
  • reporters
  • vitenode
  • runner
  • pool
  • setServer
  • _initBrowserServers
  • rerunTask
  • changeProjectName
  • changeNamePattern
  • changeFilenamePattern
  • rerunFailed
  • _createRootProject (renamed to _ensureRootProject, but still private)
  • filterTestsBySource (this was moved to the new internal vitest.specifications instance)
  • runFiles (use runTestSpecifications instead)
  • onAfterSetServer

These APIs were deprecated:



Test mode will only call functions inside test or it, and throws an error when bench is encountered. This mode uses include and exclude options in the config to find test files.

benchmark experimental

Benchmark mode calls bench functions and throws an error, when it encounters test or it. This mode uses benchmark.include and benchmark.exclude options in the config to find benchmark files.


The root (or global) config. If workspace feature is enabled, projects will reference this as globalConfig.


This is Vitest config, it doesn't extend Vite config. It only has resolved values from the test property.


This is a global ViteDevServer.

state experimental


Public state is an experimental API (except vitest.state.getReportedEntity). Breaking changes might not follow SemVer, please pin Vitest's version when using it.

Global state stores information about the current tests. It uses the same API from @vitest/runner by default, but we recommend using the Reported Tasks API instead by calling state.getReportedEntity() on the @vitest/runner API:

const task = vitest.state.idMap.get(taskId) // old API
const testCase = vitest.state.getReportedEntity(task) // new API

In the future, the old API won't be exposed anymore.


The global snapshot manager. Vitest keeps track of all snapshots using the snapshot.add method.

You can get the latest summary of snapshots via the vitest.snapshot.summary property.


Cache manager that stores information about latest test results and test file stats. In Vitest itself this is only used by the default sequencer to sort tests.


An array of test projects that belong to the user's workspace. If the user did not specify a custom workspace, the workspace will only have a root project.

Vitest will ensure that there is always at least one project in the workspace. If the user specifies a non-existent --project name, Vitest will throw an error.


function getRootProject(): TestProject

This returns the root test project. The root project generally doesn't run any tests and is not included in vitest.projects unless the user explicitly includes the root config in their workspace, or the workspace is not defined at all.

The primary goal of the root project is to setup the global config. In fact, rootProject.config references rootProject.globalConfig and vitest.config directly:

rootProject.config === rootProject.globalConfig === rootProject.vitest.config


function provide<T extends keyof ProvidedContext & string>(
  key: T,
  value: ProvidedContext[T],
): void

Vitest exposes provide method which is a shorthand for vitest.getRootProject().provide. With this method you can pass down values from the main thread to tests. All values are checked with structuredClone before they are stored, but the values themselves are not cloned.

To receive the values in the test, you need to import inject method from vitest entrypoint:

import { inject } from 'vitest'
const port = inject('wsPort') // 3000

For better type safety, we encourage you to augment the type of ProvidedContext:

import { createVitest } from 'vitest/node'

const vitest = await createVitest('test', {
  watch: false,
vitest.provide('wsPort', 3000)

declare module 'vitest' {
  export interface ProvidedContext {
    wsPort: number


Technically, provide is a method of TestProject, so it is limited to the specific project. However, all projects inherit the values from the root project which makes vitest.provide universal way of passing down values to tests.


function getProvidedContext(): ProvidedContext

This returns the root context object. This is a shorthand for vitest.getRootProject().getProvidedContext.


function getProjectByName(name: string): TestProject

This method returns the project by its name. Similar to calling vitest.projects.find.


In case the project doesn't exist, this method will return the root project - make sure to check the names again if the project you are looking for is the one returned.

If user didn't customize a name, the Vitest will assign an empty string as a name.


function globTestSpecifications(
  filters?: string[],
): Promise<TestSpecification[]>

This method constructs new test specifications by collecting every test in all projects with project.globTestFiles. It accepts string filters to match the test files - these are the same filters that CLI supports.

This method automatically caches all test specifications. When you call getModuleSpecifications next time, it will return the same specifications unless clearSpecificationsCache was called before that.


As of Vitest 3, it's possible to have multiple test specifications with the same module ID (file path) if poolMatchGlob has several pools or if typecheck is enabled. This possibility will be removed in Vitest 4.

const specifications = await vitest.globTestSpecifications(['my-filter'])
// [TestSpecification{ moduleId: '/tests/my-filter.test.ts' }]


function getRelevantTestSpecifications(
  filters?: string[]
): Promise<TestSpecification[]>

This method resolves every test specification by calling project.globTestFiles. It accepts string filters to match the test files - these are the same filters that CLI supports. If --changed flag was specified, the list will be filtered to include only files that changed. getRelevantTestSpecifications doesn't run any test files.


This method can be slow because it needs to filter --changed flags. Do not use it if you just need a list of test files.


function mergeReports(directory?: string): Promise<TestRunResult>

Merge reports from multiple runs located in the specified directory (value from --merge-reports if not specified). This value can also be set on config.mergeReports (by default, it will read .vitest-reports folder).

Note that the directory will always be resolved relative to the working directory.

This method is called automatically by startVitest if config.mergeReports is set.


function collect(filters?: string[]): Promise<TestRunResult>

Execute test files without running test callbacks. collect returns unhandled errors and an array of test modules. It accepts string filters to match the test files - these are the same filters that CLI supports.

This method resolves tests specifications based on the config include, exclude, and includeSource values. Read more at project.globTestFiles. If --changed flag was specified, the list will be filtered to include only files that changed.


Note that Vitest doesn't use static analysis to collect tests. Vitest will run every test file in isolation, just like it runs regular tests.

This makes this method very slow, unless you disable isolation before collecting tests.


function start(filters?: string[]): Promise<TestRunResult>

Initialize reporters, the coverage provider, and run tests. This method accepts string filters to match the test files - these are the same filters that CLI supports.


This method should not be called if vitest.init() is also invoked. Use runTestSpecifications or rerunTestSpecifications instead if you need to run tests after Vitest was inititalised.

This method is called automatically by startVitest if config.mergeReports and config.standalone are not set.


function init(): Promise<void>

Initialize reporters and the coverage provider. This method doesn't run any tests. If the --watch flag is provided, Vitest will still run changed tests even if this method was not called.

Internally, this method is called only if --standalone flag is enabled.


This method should not be called if vitest.start() is also invoked.

This method is called automatically by startVitest if config.standalone is set.


function getModuleSpecifications(moduleId: string): TestSpecification[]

Returns a list of test specifications related to the module ID. The ID should already be resolved to an absolute file path. If ID doesn't match include or includeSource patterns, the returned array will be empty.

This method can return already cached specifications based on the moduleId and pool. But note that project.createSpecification always returns a new instance and it's not cached automatically. However, specifications are automatically cached when runTestSpecifications is called.


As of Vitest 3, this method uses a cache to check if the file is a test. To make sure that the cache is not empty, call globTestSpecifications at least once.


function clearSpecificationsCache(moduleId?: string): void

Vitest automatically caches test specifications for each file when globTestSpecifications or runTestSpecifications is called. This method clears the cache for the given file or the whole cache altogether depending on the first argument.


function runTestSpecifications(
  specifications: TestSpecification[],
  allTestsRun = false
): Promise<TestRunResult>

This method runs every test based on the received specifications. The second argument, allTestsRun, is used by the coverage provider to determine if it needs to instrument coverage on every file in the root (this only matters if coverage is enabled and coverage.all is set to true).


This method doesn't trigger onWatcherRerun, onWatcherStart and onTestsRerun callbacks. If you are rerunning tests based on the file change, consider using rerunTestSpecifications instead.


function rerunTestSpecifications(
  specifications: TestSpecification[],
  allTestsRun = false
): Promise<TestRunResult>

This method emits reporter.onWatcherRerun and onTestsRerun events, then it runs tests with runTestSpecifications. If there were no errors in the main process, it will emit reporter.onWatcherStart event.


function updateSnapshot(files?: string[]): Promise<TestRunResult>

Update snapshots in specified files. If no files are provided, it will update files with failed tests and obsolete snapshots.


function collectTests(
  specifications: TestSpecification[]
): Promise<TestRunResult>

Execute test files without running test callbacks. collectTests returns unhandled errors and an array of test modules.

This method works exactly the same as collect, but you need to provide test specifications yourself.


Note that Vitest doesn't use static analysis to collect tests. Vitest will run every test file in isolation, just like it runs regular tests.

This makes this method very slow, unless you disable isolation before collecting tests.


function cancelCurrentRun(reason: CancelReason): Promise<void>

This method will gracefully cancel all ongoing tests. It will wait for started tests to finish running and will not run tests that were scheduled to run but haven't started yet.


function setGlobalTestNamePattern(pattern: string | RegExp): void

This methods overrides the global test name pattern.


This method doesn't start running any tests. To run tests with updated pattern, call runTestSpecifications.


function resetGlobalTestNamePattern(): void

This methods resets the test name pattern. It means Vitest won't skip any tests now.


This method doesn't start running any tests. To run tests without a pattern, call runTestSpecifications.


function enableSnapshotUpdate(): void

Enable the mode that allows updating snapshots when running tests. Every test that runs after this method is called will update snapshots. To disable the mode, call resetSnapshotUpdate.


This method doesn't start running any tests. To update snapshots, run tests with runTestSpecifications.


function resetSnapshotUpdate(): void

Disable the mode that allows updating snapshots when running tests. This method doesn't start running any tests.


function invalidateFile(filepath: string): void

This method invalidates the file in the cache of every project. It is mostly useful if you rely on your own watcher because Vite's cache persist in memory.


If you disable Vitest's watcher but keep Vitest running, it is important to manually clear the cache with this method because there is no way to disable the cache. This method will also invalidate file's importers.


function import<T>(moduleId: string): Promise<T>

Import a file using Vite module runner. The file will be transformed by Vite with the global config and executed in a separate context. Note that moduleId will be relative to the config.root.


project.import reuses Vite's module graph, so importing the same module using a regular import will return a different module:

import * as staticExample from './example.js'
const dynamicExample = await vitest.import('./example.js')

dynamicExample !== staticExample // ✅


Internally, Vitest uses this method to import global setups, custom coverage providers, workspace file, and custom reporters, meaning all of them share the same module graph as long as they belong to the same Vite server.


function close(): Promise<void>

Closes all projects and their associated resources. This can only be called once; the closing promise is cached until the server restarts.


function exit(force = false): Promise<void>

Closes all projects and exit the process. If force is set to true, the process will exit immediately after closing the projects.

This method will also forcefully call process.exit() if the process is still active after config.teardownTimeout milliseconds.


function shouldKeepServer(): boolean

This method will return true if the server should be kept running after the tests are done. This usually means that the watch mode was enabled.


function onServerRestart(fn: OnServerRestartHandler): void

Register a handler that will be called when the server is restarted due to a config change.


function onCancel(fn: (reason: CancelReason) => Awaitable<void>): void

Register a handler that will be called when the test run is cancelled with vitest.cancelCurrentRun.


function onClose(fn: () => Awaitable<void>): void

Register a handler that will be called when the server is closed.


function onTestsRerun(fn: OnTestsRerunHandler): void

Register a handler that will be called when the tests are rerunning. The tests can rerun when rerunTestSpecifications is called manually or when a file is changed and the built-in watcher schedules a rerun.


function onFilterWatchedSpecification(
  fn: (specification: TestSpecification) => boolean
): void

Register a handler that will be called when a file is changed. This callback should return true or false, indicating whether the test file needs to be rerun.

With this method, you can hook into the default watcher logic to delay or discard tests that the user doesn't want to keep track of at the moment:

const continuesTests: string[] = []

myCustomWrapper.onContinuesRunEnabled(testItem =>

vitest.onFilterWatchedSpecification(specification =>

Vitest can create different specifications for the same file depending on the pool or locations options, so do not rely on the reference. Vitest can also return cached specification from vitest.getModuleSpecifications - the cache is based on the moduleId and pool. Note that project.createSpecification always returns a new instance.

Released under the MIT License.