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The TestModule class represents a single module in a single project. This class is only available in the main thread. Refer to the "Runner API" if you are working with runtime tasks.

The TestModule instance always has a type property with the value of module. You can use it to distinguish between different task types:

if (task.type === 'module') {
  task // TestModule

Extending Suite Methods

The TestModule class inherits all methods and properties from the TestSuite. This guide will only list methods and properties unique to the TestModule.


This is usually an absolute unix file path (even on Windows). It can be a virtual id if the file is not on the disk. This value corresponds to Vite's ModuleGraph id.

'C:/Users/Documents/project/example.test.ts' // ✅
'/Users/mac/project/example.test.ts' // ✅
'C:\\Users\\Documents\\project\\example.test.ts' // ❌


function state(): TestModuleState

Works the same way as testSuite.state(), but can also return queued if module wasn't executed yet.


function diagnostic(): ModuleDiagnostic

Useful information about the module like duration, memory usage, etc. If the module was not executed yet, all diagnostic values will return 0.

interface ModuleDiagnostic {
   * The time it takes to import and initiate an environment.
  readonly environmentSetupDuration: number
   * The time it takes Vitest to setup test harness (runner, mocks, etc.).
  readonly prepareDuration: number
   * The time it takes to import the test module.
   * This includes importing everything in the module and executing suite callbacks.
  readonly collectDuration: number
   * The time it takes to import the setup module.
  readonly setupDuration: number
   * Accumulated duration of all tests and hooks in the module.
  readonly duration: number

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