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TestProject 3.0.0+

  • Alias: WorkspaceProject before 3.0.0


This guide describes the advanced Node.js API. If you just want to create a workspace, follow the "Workspace" guide.


The name is a unique string assigned by the user or interpreted by Vitest. If user did not provide a name, Vitest tries to load a package.json in the root of the project and takes the name property from there. If there is no package.json, Vitest uses the name of the folder by default. Inline projects use numbers as the name (converted to string).

import { createVitest } from 'vitest/node'

const vitest = await createVitest('test') => === [
export default [
  './packages/server', // has package.json with "@pkg/server"
  './utils', // doesn't have a package.json file
    // doesn't customize the name
    test: {
      pool: 'threads',
    // customized the name
    test: {
      name: 'custom',


If the root project is not part of a user workspace, its name will not be resolved.


vitest references the global Vitest process.


This is the config that test processes receive. Vitest serializes config manually by removing all functions and properties that are not possible to serialize. Since this value is available in both tests and node, its type is exported from the main entry point.

import type { SerializedConfig } from 'vitest'

const config: SerializedConfig = vitest.projects[0].serializedConfig


The serializedConfig property is a getter. Every time it's accessed Vitest serializes the config again in case it was changed. This also means that it always returns a different reference:

project.serializedConfig === project.serializedConfig // ❌


The test config that Vitest was initialized with. If this is the root project, globalConfig and config will reference the same object. This config is useful for values that cannot be set on the project level, like coverage or reporters.

import type { ResolvedConfig } from 'vitest/node'

vitest.config === vitest.projects[0].globalConfig


This is the project's resolved test config.


This is project's ViteDevServer. All projects have their own Vite servers.


This value will be set only if tests are running in the browser. If browser is enabled, but tests didn't run yet, this will be undefined. If you need to check if the project supports browser tests, use project.isBrowserEnabled() method.


The browser API is even more experimental and doesn't follow SemVer. The browser API will be standardized separately from the rest of the APIs.


function provide<T extends keyof ProvidedContext & string>(
  key: T,
  value: ProvidedContext[T],
): void

A way to provide custom values to tests in addition to config.provide field. All values are validated with structuredClone before they are stored, but the values on providedContext themselves are not cloned.

import { createVitest } from 'vitest/node'

const vitest = await createVitest('test')
const project = vitest.projects.find(p => === 'custom')
project.provide('key', 'value')
await vitest.start()
import { inject } from 'vitest'
const value = inject('key')

The values can be provided dynamically. Provided value in tests will be updated on their next run.


This method is also available to global setup files for cases where you cannot use the public API:

export default function setup({ provide }) {
  provide('wsPort', 3000)


function getProvidedContext(): ProvidedContext

This returns the context object. Every project also inherits the global context set by vitest.provide.

import { createVitest } from 'vitest/node'

const vitest = await createVitest('test')
vitest.provide('global', true)
const project = vitest.projects.find(p => === 'custom')
project.provide('key', 'value')

// { global: true, key: 'value' }
const context = project.getProvidedContext()


Project context values will always override root project's context.


function createSpecification(
  moduleId: string,
  locations?: number[],
): TestSpecification

Create a test specification that can be used in vitest.runTestSpecifications. Specification scopes the test file to a specific project and test locations (optional). Test locations are code lines where the test is defined in the source code. If locations are provided, Vitest will only run tests defined on those lines. Note that if testNamePattern is defined, then it will also be applied.

import { createVitest } from 'vitest/node'
import { resolve } from 'node:path/posix'

const vitest = await createVitest('test')
const project = vitest.projects[0]
const specification = project.createSpecification(
  [20, 40], // optional test lines
await vitest.runTestSpecifications([specification])


createSpecification expects resolved module ID. It doesn't auto-resolve the file or check that it exists on the file system.

Also note that project.createSpecification always returns a new instance.


function isRootProject(): boolean

Checks if the current project is the root project. You can also get the root project by calling vitest.getRootProject().


function globTestFiles(filters?: string[]): {
   * Test files that match the filters.
  testFiles: string[]
   * Typecheck test files that match the filters. This will be empty unless `typecheck.enabled` is `true`.
  typecheckTestFiles: string[]

Globs all test files. This function returns an object with regular tests and typecheck tests.

This method accepts filters. Filters can only a part of the file path, unlike in other methods on the Vitest instance:

project.globTestFiles(['foo']) // ✅
project.globTestFiles(['basic/foo.js:10']) // ❌


Vitest uses fast-glob to find test files. test.dir, test.root, root or process.cwd() define the cwd option.

This method looks at several config options:

  • test.include, test.exclude to find regular test files
  • test.includeSource, test.exclude to find in-source tests
  • test.typecheck.include, test.typecheck.exclude to find typecheck tests


function matchesTestGlob(
  moduleId: string,
  source?: () => string
): boolean

This method checks if the file is a regular test file. It uses the same config properties that globTestFiles uses for validation.

This method also accepts a second parameter, which is the source code. This is used to validate if the file is an in-source test. If you are calling this method several times for several projects it is recommended to read the file once and pass it down directly. If the file is not a test file, but matches the includeSource glob, Vitest will synchronously read the file unless the source is provided.

import { createVitest } from 'vitest/node'
import { resolve } from 'node:path/posix'

const vitest = await createVitest('test')
const project = vitest.projects[0]

project.matchesTestGlob(resolve('./basic.test.ts')) // true
project.matchesTestGlob(resolve('./basic.ts')) // false
project.matchesTestGlob(resolve('./basic.ts'), () => `
if (import.meta.vitest) {
  // ...
`) // true if `includeSource` is set


function import<T>(moduleId: string): Promise<T>

Import a file using Vite module runner. The file will be transformed by Vite with provided project's config and executed in a separate context. Note that moduleId will be relative to the config.root.


project.import reuses Vite's module graph, so importing the same module using a regular import will return a different module:

import * as staticExample from './example.js'
const dynamicExample = await project.import('./example.js')

dynamicExample !== staticExample // ✅


Internally, Vitest uses this method to import global setups, custom coverage providers, workspace file, and custom reporters, meaning all of them share the same module graph as long as they belong to the same Vite server.


function onTestsRerun(cb: OnTestsRerunHandler): void

This is a shorthand for project.vitest.onTestsRerun. It accepts a callback that will be awaited when the tests have been scheduled to rerun (usually, due to a file change).

project.onTestsRerun((specs) => {


function isBrowserEnabled(): boolean

Returns true if this project runs tests in the browser.


function close(): Promise<void>

Closes the project and all associated resources. This can only be called once; the closing promise is cached until the server restarts. If the resources are needed again, create a new project.

In detail, this method closes the Vite server, stops the typechecker service, closes the browser if it's running, deletes the temporary directory that holds the source code, and resets the provided context.

Released under the MIT License.